I have no religion or faith. Frankly it's brought about by a mixture of laziness and a love of history. Laziness in that I've usually got better things to do that worry about what happens after I die, and history because when you read about religion you see what nasty fuckers tend to make it to the top in that game.
Humans are unique amongst animals in that we understand mortality and we communicate verbally in complex ways. Easy then to see how human society will invent gods in order that they can invent the after life. It's just plain awful to think that 'this is it' isn't it? That when you're dead you're dead, so we to against everything that seems rational and obvious in the world that we see and talk about omnipotent beings and 'another place'. Utter bollocks the lot of it.
There have been, throughout history, religious sects that could unite the various dingbat sects. The Cathars who grew in the 12th Century believed that this earth was hell - a test for man, and that Jesus had been some kind of hologram who came to warn everybody about how shit this place was. It caught on and Christians, Muslims and Jews converted. Then the Pope at the time decided it needed to end and wiped them out; top class Roman Catholicing.
Religion causes most of the trouble in the world. If we all woke up tomorrow knowing there is no God and that when you're gone that's it, then most of the current wars across the globe would be pointless. Sadly so would the lives of many people so the religious bandwagon continues. In most cases it's pretty harmless. Sometimes it distils a form of decency into people who might otherwise be just plain nasty.
But, one religion stands apart. Every religion on the planet is based on suffering and love for fellow man conquering adversity - every religion expect Islam that is. The Muslim faith is built around vengeance and violence. Borne from it in fact. Their 'holy book' is a catalogue of violence, a misogynistic treatise of the superiority of man, the worthlessness of women and the need to kill all 'infidels' (that's you and me by the way).
The Christian book, the Jewish book, Hindu scripture and Buddhist thinking all preach peace - the Muslim book is all about hatred of none believers, how they are unclean and need to be destroyed.
Now this didn't matter too much until recently. The west rarely encountered Islam. But as we globalised and people started to mingle it became an issue - there are now 6 million Muslims in the UK alone and many millions more across Europe. Politicians try to tell us ISIS isn't Islam but sadly it is. Their fighters take their book literally and are no different to Cromwell's puritans or the Pope's Crusaders in simply wanting to see the Islamic faith followed properly. We call that radicalism, they call it fighting for their religious beliefs.
Muslims don't mix on the whole. They intermarry - Bradford Council recently published a report about child mortality blaming it's unenviable record on inter breeding amongst Muslims of Pakistani origin - they ghettoise city spaces, they keep to themselves. Only the intelligent ones move out into society and there are very few of them. When children start school unable to speak English and are them prevented from doing homework because they are too busy attending the mosque to learn the holy book, you have to be something special to get any GCSE's at all. Sadly the ones who do rise above the crowd and enter mainstream society then decide to use their skills to articulate the persecution of their fellow Muslims rather than to stand against the inward looking nature of Islam.
Muslims feel the rules of their religion surmount national laws. So they practice paedophilia, they abuse teenage girls turning those they see as unclean into slaves, simply because their religion allows it. Their 'prophet' married a 9 year old - what can you expect.
It's now become clear that their invasion of the Labour Party, populating local government alongside radically PC white activists of the worst kind, has allowed then to subvert UK justice, covering up their flouting of the law and leaving police and child services unsure as to what they should do. Let's be clear, they manipulated simpletons on the left and used their power to avoid UK laws they don't think apply to them.
The question is what to do about it. Any move to ban Muslims of Pakistani origin from public office would lead to screams of protest even if they have displayed reasons why it would be a very good idea. It's also hardly possible to repatriate people who are third generation British (and a bit fascist too). The only way this can end therefore is through the processes the Islamic faith dictates.
ISIS is finding it very easy to recruit in Britain. Those who are not going are supporting (a recent poll of Pakistani Muslims in Holland found 83% supported ISIS - nobody dare do such a poll in the UK) and that will lead to ISIS style thinking here.
When it comes it will shock the nation. Attempts to 'take' key cities and create Islamic States here will probably to swift and very bloody. It will happen out of the blue, organised but undetected until it's too late. Then they will be crushed - massively and swiftly - but only after politicians have dithered too long and the population at large have decided to take matters into their own hands.
The end of Islam in Europe won't be pretty, it will be horrific in its casualty rates and will inevitably turn Europe more right wing, but it will come. The reason is simple. Western society is hamstrung by it's desire to be engaged with all faiths, it's PC philosophies born out of the rise of socialism and the apparent ability of politicians on all sides to deny reality. As they have done in Rotherham, Bradford, Rochdale and inner London, Muslims will exploit that and be forgiven for thinking the Islamic State inside the UK is possible.
It isn't of course, but our political correctness will take us there and it will be ordinary people, not the police, who stop it. But those days will be dark.
Perhaps Enoch Powell was a prophetic politician not a racist as the left loves to brand him.......
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