Thursday, 27 June 2013

Liverpool Pride

Those of you who follow me on Twitter will know that I post ‘funnies’ some times. I never claim originality (although sometimes they are my own) partly because nothing in this world is original and because, some nights, I do uncredited ‘tributes’ to great comics.

Last night I posted some jokes by the great Jimmy Tarbuck who I was privileged to meet quite a few times during my time playing the club circuit. He was a great man and had the ability to laugh at himself and his home town of Liverpool.

What I discovered last night was that his fellow LIverpudlians lack that grace and style.

As a follower of Old Holborn I’ve witnessed the invective and downright unpleasantness of some LIverpudlians but I didn’t believe they couldn’t have a laugh. Over the past year I’ve posted jokes about Geordies, Scots, Welsh, Londoners and a lot about my own home town of Bradford – never had a reaction other than “lol’”. Why is Liverpool so different?

The joke was:

“What do LIverpudlians use for protection during sex …… a bus shelter”

to be honest when I was thinking of posting it I was going to change the city, partly because I know how touchy they are, but then I thought, as it’s a jimmy joke that would be wrong.

Liverpool people seem to see themselves as victims, they seem to think the whole country is against them. This from a stunning, vibrant city that has brought us great music, great characters and a ‘feel’ that is second to none.

I actually love Liverpool.

But it’s people have this issue with life and seem to lack any confidence; because it’s confidence that lets you take it on the chin.

One of the people who unfollowed me was @MarkMoraghan a man who could hardly be described as unsuccessful or under confident (you don’t make it as an actor if you are) – so this defence mechanism they seem to have is spread across all types.

I have many celebrity friends, none see the need to defend their place of birth in this way. Bradford takes it on the chin every day with jokes about its demise, the people just keep smiling.

So please Liverpool. Know that you are a great place, a great people with an acute sense of humour, and start being a bit more confident when it comes to outsiders poking fun. Stop seeing defence of your city and its people as a cause, stop seeing yourself as victims.

A bit of pride, a little less solidarity and a realisation that we all make fun of different regional stereotypes (Christ, think how obsessed folk from Norfolk would be if they had your sense of inadequacy!) and you’ll be better for it.

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